CALPRO Spring 2025 Courses
Are you looking for your next professional development online course? CALPRO is hosting the following 4-week online courses throughout the Spring of 2025. Each course will take between 14-16 hours of your time as an experienced facilitator guides you through the basics and some creative options that every adult education teacher needs. There will be two webinars* where you can join your facilitator and classmates on Zoom to learn more and practice skills; the webinars will be recorded so if you can’t make it in person, you can watch and complete a makeup assignment later. Sign up now!
Managing the Multilevel ESL Class – How do you meet the needs of ESL students in a class with skill levels ranging from beginning to intermediate to advanced? This course presents strategies for planning lessons for learners of widely varying language skills. This course will run from February 17— March 16, 2025, facilitated by Francisco Pinedo. Register on the CALPRO Event Calendar.
Accelerated Learning to Facilitate Career Pathways – This course will introduce participants to a wide variety of strategies for both program and classroom that move students towards their career goals in the most efficient way possible. Agencies are encouraged to register as a team of at least two members but may include up to four members. This course will run from March 3 — March 30, 2025, facilitated by Kathleen Porter. Register on the CALPRO Event Calendar.
New! Teaching Math to Adults* – This course will explore several questions you may ask yourself as a math teacher: What does brain research tell us about learning math? What can I do to make math more memorable for my students? What is the point of productive struggle? If you're curious about these topics, sign up for this one-week online course on Teaching Math to Adults and learn how to create instructional routines that will help your students master the math skills they need for success in life and work. The course will run from March 10 —March 16, 2025, facilitated by Christina Hyatt. Register on the CALPRO Event Calendar.
Evidence-Based Writing Instruction in the ESL Classroom – This course helps participants improve their writing instruction for ESL students by applying 1) research-based instructional techniques, 2) protocols for analyzing students’ work, and 3) guided instructional plans. This course will run from March 10 — April 6, 2025, facilitated by Dave Coleman. Register on the CALPRO Event Calendar.
Motivation and Persistence for the Adult Learner – This course will examine nine strategies that help learners persist and offer adult educators the opportunity to practice and internalize them. It also focuses on motivation and persistence and is relevant for teachers and instructional leaders from all content areas within adult education. This course will run from March 17 — April 13, 2025, facilitated by Gretchen Lammers. Register on the CALPRO Event Calendar.
Understanding the Adult Learner - This course examines how adults learn and the implications for adult literacy programs. It explores the unique characteristics of adult learners as well as adult motivation, needs, and self-concept and their effect on learning. The course also explores adult development and the implications for effective teaching. This course will run from April 7 — May 4, 2025, facilitated by Steven Casperite. Steven is an administrator at Placer School for Adults and will share with you his unwavering commitment to meeting students where they are and providing them with education options that fit their needs. Register on the CALPRO Event Calendar.
*select courses are one-week and are timed at 4.5 hours
Type: CALPRO News
AUDIENCE: All teacher types
TOPIC: Professional Development