Adult Educators' Guide to Designing Instructor Mentoring

Authors: Renee Sherman, Janet Voight, John Tibbetts, Dionne Dobbins, Arthur Evans, and Danielle Weidler, American Institutes for Research, April 2000

Based on research in the field of mentoring and interviews with adult educators who have participated in mentoring systems, this guide provides a resource for programs on mentoring. It provides a rationale for why mentoring is appropriate for instructors and discusses several issues agencies need to consider in designing, implementing, and evaluating mentoring. It is designed to help programs understand the different ways in which mentoring can be implemented and to help them make decisions about how mentoring can fit in with their particular organizational structures, resources, and needs. In addition, it provides valuable information for mentors themselves, such as a discussion of the various strategies that can be used with protégés.

AUDIENCE: ABE/ASE Teachers , Administrators , All teacher types , CTE Teachers , ESL Teachers , HSE/HSD Teachers , IET Teachers , Support Staff

TOPIC: Administration & Management