

This page provides a compilation of resources on varied topics relevant to adult educators. Although the number of research studies focusing on adult learners is limited, the items listed in the "Research" category are evidence-based or recognized as "promising practices" by federal and state agencies.


CALPRO Research Brief: Supporting Student Success Through Social and Emotional Learning

This brief explores the application of the Social Emotional Learning (SEL) principles and related frameworks in adult education. Incorporation of SEL holds great promise in empowering adult learners with the skills needed for personal growth, career success, and active participation in society. It further examines how educators' overall well-being through their own development of SEL skills benefits both the educa ...

JUNE 24, 2024

Resource type: Research Publications

AUDIENCE: Administrators , All teacher types

Topic: Student Engagement and Support 

File Type: PDF

Research brief cover
3 Results 3 Result
Building on Foundations for Success: Guidelines for Improving Adult Mathematics Instruction

Authors: MPR Associates, April 2011

This report builds on the recommendations made by the National Mathematics Advisory Panel (NMAP) in 2008 for improving mathematics education and learning among K–12 students and provides updates that reflect adults’ goals in seeking basic skills instruction. Designed to be a blueprint for future work by policymakers, administrators, and researchers in the field of adult education, these guidelines outline the mathematics content adults need to know, strategies for teaching adults this content, and the preparation of adult education instructors who teach mathematics.

June 20, 2024
Research on Adult Numeracy Practice

Authors: Sandra Kerka, The Ohio State University, and Erik Jacobson, CALPRO, May 2006

This annotated bibliography highlights studies that focus on adult numeracy practice and pedagogy, including studies of specific classroom strategies.

June 20, 2024
English Language Proficiency Standards

Produced by U.S. Department of Education, Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education, 2016

Designed to support effective instruction of adult English language learners, this document presents a set of correspondences to the college and career readiness standards (CCRS) for English language arts/literacy, mathematical and science practices.

June 20, 2024