

This page provides a compilation of resources on varied topics relevant to adult educators. Although the number of research studies focusing on adult learners is limited, the items listed in the "Research" category are evidence-based or recognized as "promising practices" by federal and state agencies.


CALPRO Research Brief: Supporting Student Success Through Social and Emotional Learning

This brief explores the application of the Social Emotional Learning (SEL) principles and related frameworks in adult education. Incorporation of SEL holds great promise in empowering adult learners with the skills needed for personal growth, career success, and active participation in society. It further examines how educators' overall well-being through their own development of SEL skills benefits both the educa ...

JUNE 24, 2024

Resource type: Research Publications

AUDIENCE: Administrators , All teacher types

Topic: Student Engagement and Support 

File Type: PDF

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8 Results 8 Result
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IET Strategies in Action: Promising Practices for Integrated Education and Training Pathways to Postsecondary Education

IET Strategies in Action is a series intended to provide adult educators with a snapshot view of the ways in which some IET programs have implemented IET models and practices that serve diverse student populations in a variety of settings. Promising Practices for Integrated Education and Training Pathways to Postsecondary Education highlights promising practices for how IET providers can connect IET programs to credit-bearing credentials and pathways to associate degrees.

September 26, 2024
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IET Strategies in Action: Promising Practices for Regionally Responsive Integrated Education and Training Programs 

IET Strategies in Action is a series intended to provide adult educators with a snapshot view of the ways in which some IET programs have implemented IET models and practices that serve diverse student populations in a variety of settings. Promising Practices for Regionally Responsive Integrated Education and Training Programs describes four strategies that some state adult education agencies and local programs have used to respond to regional needs and learners’ career interests.

September 25, 2024
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IET Strategies in Action: Promising Practices for Collaborating with Industry and Workforce Development Partners in Integrated Education and Training Programs

IET Strategies in Action is a series intended to provide adult educators with a snapshot view of the ways in which some IET programs have implemented IET models and practices that serve diverse student populations in a variety of settings. Promising Practices for Collaborating with Industry and Workforce Development Partners in Integrated Education and Training Programs highlights how IET program providers can collaborate with industry and workforce development organizations to establish IET program design with learner-worker training or work-based learning opportunities.

September 25, 2024
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Teaching Skills That Matter: Workforce Preparation Issue Brief

This issue brief provides an overview of workforce preparation skills, a description of why these skills are important for adult learners, recommendations for implementation, and tips for teaching workforce preparation in the classroom. 

September 26, 2024
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The Role of Navigators in IELCE/IET Career Pathways

The Enhancing Access for Refugees and New Americans project aims to support adult educators in developing and delivering high-quality IELCE/IET programming in alignment with an immigrant integration approach. Enhancing Access Spotlights describe specific aspects of IELCE/IET implementation. This Spotlight provides an overview of the role of navigators in IELCE/IET career pathways.

September 26, 2024
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Expanding Boundaries: Taking a Regional Approach to IELCE/IET

The Enhancing Access for Refugees and New Americans project aims to support adult educators in developing and delivering high-quality IELCE/IET programming in alignment with an immigrant integration approach. Enhancing Access Spotlights describe and provide examples of specific aspects of IELCE/IET implementation. This Spotlight provides an overview of regional approaches to IELCE/IET.

September 26, 2024
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Serving Internationally Trained Professionals in IELCE Activities

The Enhancing Access for Refugees and New Americans project aims to support adult educators in developing and delivering high-quality IELCE/IET programming in alignment with an immigrant integration approach. Enhancing Access Spotlights describe and provide examples of specific aspects of IELCE/IET implementation. This Spotlight provides an overview of serving internationally trained professionals in IELCE activities.

September 26, 2024
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Serving Refugees in IELCE Activities

The Enhancing Access for Refugees and New Americans project aims to support adult educators in developing and delivering high-quality IELCE/IET programming in alignment with an immigrant integration approach. Enhancing Access Spotlights describe and provide examples of specific aspects of IELCE/IET implementation. This Spotlight provides an overview of serving refugees in IELCE activities.

September 26, 2024