Institutes & Clinics

Institutes & Clinics

CALPRO Institutes and Clinics provide specialized training designed to enhance knowledge, skills, and effectiveness for administrators, teachers, and other educators. These learning opportunities focus on practical skills, collaborative learning, and hands-on experiences, allowing participants to gain insights and tools relevant to their field. Whether delivered in-person or online, these offerings promote lifelong learning and positive impact within agency programs. See the descriptions below for more information.

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Application Deadline: Online Integrated Education and Training (IET) Implementation Clinic (Fall 2024)

Workshop Description :

The California Adult Literacy Professional Development Project (CALPRO), in conjunction with the California Department of Education (CDE), is seeking applications for CALPRO’s Integrated Education and Training (IET) Implementation Clinic (the Clinic). We are seeking agency teams consisting of an IET program administrator, an English as a Second Language instructor and a Career and Technical Education (CTE) instructor. We will accept up to 8 agency teams (of 3 staff members) for participation in the Clinic which begins in October 2023 and concludes in January 2024. There are 5 principal features of this unique online professional learning opportunity. The innovative format of the Implementation Clinic features two day-long virtual training sessions; three live, interactive online sessions; ongoing online discussions, and completion of a capstone project and presentation of the project at the second day-long session. CALPRO is pleased to announce IET clinic participating teams will now have the support of an IET implementation coach to support you for one year upon completion of the IET clinic.

To apply, each member of the agency team must complete the application by 5:00 PM on September 24, 2024. Notifications of acceptance will occur by October 04, 2024. (Please note that each member of your 3-person agency team is required to submit an application.)

Click here to access the application.

Goals :
Topics will be tailored to the needs of the participating practitioners and identified through the application process. Sample topics may include Starting Strong: Developing the Team Teaching Partnership; Co-Teaching & Alternating Teaching: Which model, Why, and How?; Developing a Single Set of Learning Objectives & Integrating Lesson Plans; Building an Integrated Syllabus; Promising Intake & Onboarding Strategies for IET; Action Planning: Process Considerations, Potential Challenges and Solutions to Address Challenges; and IET and Distance Learning: Considerations & Strategies

Registration Information :
Membership and participation are free of charge and open to all California adult education funded programs. Preference will be given to IET program team staff working in an Integrated EL Civics IET program that is funded through Section 243 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (WIOA, Title II: AEFLA) grant. Not sure if you’re eligible? Let CALPRO help: email or call 1-916-286-8803.

Contact Information :
Contact CALPRO at or (916)286-8803

September 15, 2024

Application Deadline: Teacher Collaboration Institute: Lesson Study Processes and Tools

CALPRO and the California Department of Education are pleased to announce the opening of the application to the new Teacher Collaboration Institute: Lesson Study Processes and Tools! This training is not just a learning opportunity, but a chance to empower adult education teachers with the skills and practices necessary for effective team collaboration through the Lesson Study Process. The goal is for teachers to collaboratively evaluate and enhance lessons using strategies such as lesson study, lesson charrettes, and peer observation. By engaging in these collaborative practices, teachers will be able to implement their learning directly into their teaching practices, fostering continuous improvement and the development of effective instructional strategies.

CALPRO pairs each team with an implementation coach, providing a safety net of support.  Each Coaching and Facilitation Team member has extensive experience in collaborative team building and planning.  The coaches will be there to assist teams during their six months in the Teacher Collaboration Institute. Please note this is not training on co-teaching, although co-teachers are welcome to apply. 

To apply, each member of the agency team must complete the application by October 14, 2024. Notifications of acceptance will occur by October 17, 2024. (Please note that each member of your teaching team is required to submit an application). 

Click here to access the application.


  1. Effectively implement collaborative practices within a team environment.
    Evidence: Documented instances of lesson charrettes, peer observations, and completed lesson study cycles. Feedback from participants on the efficacy of collaboration.
  2. Demonstrate improvement in their instructional strategies based on collaborative feedback and analysis.
    Evidence: Pre- and post-assessment of teacher instructional practices, changes in student engagement and learning outcomes, and qualitative feedback from teachers about their instructional changes.
  3. Sustain ongoing professional development and collaborative practices.
    Evidence: Creation of sustainability plans by each team collaboration, reports on subsequent year activities planned or initiated, and establishment of mentorship roles among experienced teachers.


  • Active Participation: Attend all training sessions, regularly log in to Moodle, participate in discussions, and complete assignments and activities.
  • Reflection and Application: Reflecting on learning and applying concepts to real-world teaching scenarios. The goal is to improve your practice and student learning at your school.
  • Collaborative Engagement: Your engagement with peers, sharing of insights, and providing constructive feedback is what makes our community strong. It's through this collaboration that we all grow and learn.
  • Feedback to CALPRO: Submit evaluative feedback on your CALPRO Teacher Collaboration Institute experience with recommendations to CALPRO for refinement.
  • Coaching and Support: Engage with your implementation coach at least once a month during the institute.

Registration Information :
This Institute is open to all  WIOA: Title II, AEFLA, and  California Adult Education Program-funded agencies. Teams of at least two teachers with administrator approval are required to participate in the Institute. Not sure if you’re eligible? Let CALPRO help: email or call 1-916-286-8803.

Contact Information :
Contact CALPRO at or (916)286-8803

September 15, 2024

Application Deadline: 2025 Adult Education Leadership Institute

Join the more than 600 California adult education administrators who have participated in this program since its inception in 1985. The Institute covers topics and skills that new and aspiring adult education administrators need to perform their jobs effectively including Collaborations and Partnerships, Career Pathways, Data Analysis and Data-Based Decision Making, Fiscal and Personnel Management, Public Relations and Program Marketing, Alternative Funding, Instructional Leadership, and The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (WIOA Title II: AEFLA).
Apply online by Monday, November 18, 2024.


The California Adult Literacy Professional Development Project (CALPRO) in conjunction with the California Department of Education (CDE) is seeking nominations and applications for the 2025 California Adult Education Leadership Institute (the Institute). We are seeking aspiring and new administrators (defined as three or fewer years) for the Institute. This is an opportunity for your organization to nominate an aspiring or new administrator from your adult education program to attend. For the 2025 year we will accept up to 24 nominations for participation in the Institute. Priority registration will be given to nominees with the most recent appointment date to their administrative position.

Please contact Cherise Moore at

The Institute is open to all California funded adult education programs. The application deadline is Monday, November 18, 2024.

September 15, 2024

Professional Learning Community (PLC) Institute

What Is A Professional Learning Community (PLC)?

“A professional learning community is educators committed to working collaboratively in ongoing processes of collective inquiry and action research to achieve better results for the students they serve” (adapted from DuFour, Learning by Doing).

A PLC is committed to processes that help all students learn by collaborative teams working together to address the following critical questions:

  1. What do we want students to learn?
  2. How will we know if they have learned it?
  3. What will we do if they don’t learn it?
  4. What will we do if they already know it?

CALPRO PLC Institute

CALPRO will once again offers an intensive, multi-session PLC Institute for teams of program administrators and professional development specialists/lead teachers to learn to improve student learning outcomes by establishing professional learning communities. CALPRO typically accepts up to 8 programs a year for this institute. Each of the selected agencies will send a team of three to include its agency director and two teachers (and/or administrators designated to serve as professional development practitioners) to participate in the initiative.

Why Attend The CALPRO Professional Learning Community Institute?

A Professional Learning Community can help schools improve and be more accountable by impacting teaching and learning. The power of professional learning communities (PLCs) to improve schools is well documented but according to research, understanding and implementation can be inconsistent. Join us at the CALPRO PLC Institute to explore the core characteristics and processes on how to effectively implement a professional learning community that focuses on student learning outcomes and create a system for sustainable school improvement.

Benefits Of Participating In The PLC Institute:

  • Shift school culture to focus on learning results.
  • Develop PLC processes of inquiry to achieve better results for the students you serve.
  • Establish collaborative teams to identify essential student learning.
  • Work collaboratively to develop common formative assessments for learning.
  • Work collaboratively to analyze evidence of student learning and use that evidence to learn from one another.
  • Embed professional development that fosters the ongoing processes of collective inquiry and action research.
  • Eighteen months of PLC implementation coaching support

Who Is Eligible To Apply?

Any California Department of Education, Adult Education Office WIA Title II, or California Adule Education Program (CAEP) funded agency may apply. The Agency Director/Principal and a nominated lead teacher or PD staff member will participate as a team in the CALPRO Professional Learning Community Institute.

For More Information

For more information, contact coordinator Sudie Whalen.


September 15, 2024

California Adult Education Leadership Institute

The California Adult Literacy Professional Development Project (CALPRO), in conjunction with the California Department of Education (CDE), annually seeks nominations and applications for the California Adult Education Leadership Institute (the Institute). We seek aspiring and new administrators (defined as three or fewer years) for the Institute. 

This is an opportunity for your organization to nominate an aspiring or new administrator from your adult education program to attend. We accept up to 24 participants in the Institute annually. Priority registration is given to nominees with the most recent appointment date to their administrative position. 

Nearly 700 of California’s leading adult educators have participated in this program since its inception in 1985. The Institute covers topics and skills that new and aspiring adult education administrators need to perform their jobs effectively. Topics for the Institute will focus on:

 Fiscal and Personnel Management 

  • Collaborations and Partnerships 
  • Career Pathways 
  • Data Analysis and Data-Based Decision-Making 
  • Public Relations and Program Marketing 
  • The California Adult Education Program 
  • Strategic Planning 
  • Instructional Leadership  
  • The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) 


Institute participants have numerous opportunities to engage with experienced and new adult education administrators, representatives from CDE, and the three State Leadership Projects (OTAN, CASAS, and CALPRO). The Institute also includes nine months of coaching support after the training concludes. 

For more information, contact coordinator Cherise Moore.

September 15, 2024

Integrated Education and Training (IET) Clinic

The California Adult Literacy Professional Development Project (CALPRO) and the California Department of Education are pleased to offer a unique professional learning opportunity! Join other agency teams of ESL instructors, CTE instructors, and program administrators for an Integrated Education and Training (IET) Implementation Clinic. 

There are five principal features of this unique online professional learning opportunity, which is open to up to 8 agency teams (each team is composed of 3 staff members).

1) Two day-long virtual training sessions. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in interactive planning and curriculum development activities as well as to share best practices.

2) Live, interactive discussion through three 75-minute online webinars with engaging guest speakers, seasoned facilitators, peer mentors, and colleagues from around the state (see below for complete details). In each meeting we will:

  • Highlight the relevancy and value of the featured topic for the work that we do
  • Explore best and promising practices in the featured topic
  • Learn from subject matter experts and peer mentors on effective related strategies
  • Share successes and common challenges with fellow teachers and program administrators
  • Get help on solving issues we face

Topics will be tailored to the needs of the participating practitioners and identified through the application process and may include:

  • Starting Strong: Developing the Team Teaching Partnership
  • Co-Teaching & Alternating Teaching: Which Model, Why, And How?
  • Developing a Single Set of Learning Objectives & Integrating Lesson Plans
  • Building an Integrated Syllabus
  • Promising Intake & Onboarding Strategies for lET
  • Action Planning: Process considerations, potential challenges, and solutions to address challenges.
  • IET and Distance Learning: Considerations & Strategies

3) Ongoing online discussions, sharing, and resource creation through a designated private group within CALPRO’s online Community of Practice.

4) Completion of a capstone project and presentation of the project at the second day-long session.

5) Coaching now included! IET clinic participating teams will now have the support of an IET implementation coach to support you for nine months upon completion of the IET clinic. 

For more information, contact

September 15, 2024

CALPRO Training-of-Trainers Institute


CALPRO annually conducts the Training-of-Trainers (ToT) Institute for the new community of practice (CoP) at the CALPRO office in Sacramento. The purposes of the ToT Institute are: 

  1. To develop a group of certified trainers to facilitate presentations of CALPRO professional learning modules 
  2. To build professional development capacity and leadership in California adult education.

Communities of Practice are formed by groups of professionals who engage in a process of collective learning in a shared domain (adapted from Wenger, 2002). CALPRO’s Communities of Practice (CoP) Initiative aims to increase the field’s focus on supported implementation of skills, strategies and action plans that participants develop in CALPRO trainings and institutes. 

For each CoP training, an online community is established. Participants meet each other and begin learning together online; they continue to build community, knowledge and skills in the face-to-face training sessions; and they have the option of continuing to support each other’s efforts to apply new learning after the conclusion of the face-to-face sessions. CALPRO CoP trainers facilitate the entire process, including online and face-to-face sessions. 

The ToT is open to applicants from all California Adult Education Program (CAEP) funded agencies (see page 2). The ToT is for individuals who will commit to following up on the ToT by presenting the module for their agency, for their region, or for CALPRO at least once within a year of the ToT. 

Participants will be expected to complete pre-Institute assignments online. Participants are expected to attend the entire ToT Institute – no exceptions –  and demonstrate facilitation skills in practice sessions during the ToT. After completing the ToT, participants are expected to be available to facilitate training at their agency, at other agencies, or at CDE- or CALPRO-organized events within a year of the ToT. Trainers will receive an honorarium for training conducted. 

Your agency will have trained facilitator(s) on your staff who can serve as an in-house content specialist. Your agency will have increased capacity to provide high quality professional learning opportunities. 

Employees of all California Adult Education Program (CAEP) funded agencies are eligible to apply. For more information, contact coordinator Marcela Movit

September 15, 2024