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62 Results 62 Result

Learner Persistence (Self-Directed Online)

Course Description :

This self-directed course supports independent professional development; there is no facilitator nor other participants. This course provides each individual with a blog as a learning journal. Sign up now and access the class for 3 months. There is no official start or end date to worry about. What’s all the excitement surrounding the topic of learner persistence, how does it differ from student retention and motivation, and how do I encourage my students to persist in their learning? Based on research on factors that promote learner persistence, this self-directed professional development course examines implications for changing practice in the four areas of intake, orientation, instruction, and program activities (estimated course completion time: up to 15 hours).

Enrollment verification with Moodle login information will be sent to registrants within one business day of registration.

Goals :
Based on research on factors that promote learner persistence, this self-directed professional development course examines implications for changing practice in the four areas of intake, orientation, instruction, and program activities.

Registration Information :
This course is free of charge to all California adult education programs.

Contact Information :
Please contact CALPRO at or at 916-286-8803 for more information.

January 17, 2025

ADVANCE Integrated Education and Training (IET): IET Fundamentals (Self-Directed Online)

Course Description:
The ADVANCE Integrated Education and Training (IET): IET Fundamentals course introduces the foundational concepts, requirements, and core elements of IET design and implementation. This is a self-paced course that is designed to take approximately two hours to complete. 

To receive a certificate of completion, participants must score a minimum of 80 percent on a 10-question knowledge check at the end of the course. 

The primary audience for this course is adult education administrators, adult education and workforce training instructors, and career navigators who are unfamiliar with the definition and core design features of IET and the resources available to plan and implement an IET program. The course can also serve as an orientation for new adult education and partner agency staff joining an existing IET team. 

A secondary audience is prospective partners from workforce development, occupational training, and industry who are unfamiliar with IET concepts.

Course Objectives:
After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain the rationale for, and benefits of, IET from the perspective of adult learners, employers, and adult education program providers.
  • Describe the core design features of an IET program.
  • Use program profiles to identify and evaluate core design features implemented in diverse program contexts
  • Identify the roles and expertise that each team member (internal adult education team and external partners) contributes to implementing an effective IET. 
  • Locate available resources for in-depth planning and development of an IET.
January 17, 2025

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI): From Awareness to Action (Self-Directed Online)

Course Description: 

This course developed by the American Institutes for Research with contributions from leading experts, equips adult educators with the knowledge and tools to foster diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in their classrooms and programs. Participants will explore key concepts of DEI, build awareness around cultural competence and bias, and learn actionable steps for conducting equity audits. Designed for both individual and group learning, the course encourages empathy, reflection, and collaboration. Completion requires a minimum of 3 hours, with the option to extend learning up to 6 hours by engaging in additional activities. Upon finishing the course, participants will be prepared to implement sustainable DEI practices within their educational settings.

Registration Information:
This course is free of charge to all California adult education programs.

Contact Information:
Please contact CALPRO at or at 916-286-8803 for more information.

January 17, 2025

Advising the Adult Learner: The Teacher's Role (Self-Directed Online)

Course Description:

It is often the teacher to whom the adult learner first turns for advice on issues ranging from educational and vocational options to employment, family, health, emotional, and legal issues. Do you know when to provide guidance and advice and when to refer learners to professional counselors and other available community services? In this course, you will explore the advantages and limitations of the teacher’s role as an adviser, learn about community resources, and identify strategies for listening and responding to student needs (estimated course completion time: up to 15 hours).

Enrollment verification with Moodle login information will be sent to registrants within one business day of registration.

The goal of this course is to help adult education teachers understand the nature of student advisement and enhance their knowledge and skills to be effective student advisers.

Registration Information:
This course is free of charge to all California adult education programs.

Contact Information:
Please contact CALPRO at or at 916-286-8803 for more information.

January 17, 2025

Orientation for New ABE Teachers (Self-Directed Online)

Course Description :

This self-directed course supports independent professional development; there is no facilitator nor other participants. This course provides each individual with a blog as a learning journal. Sign up now and access the class for 3 months. There is no official start or end date to worry about. The task of teaching basic literacy skills can seem overwhelming to the new Adult Basic Education (ABE) teacher. This self-directed, self-paced online course orients new teachers to the most immediate and important aspects of teaching ABE learners in California (estimated course completion time: up to 15 hours).

Enrollment verification with Moodle login information will be sent to registrants within one business day of registration.

Goals :
In some cases, individual agencies have procedures and practices that address these questions; in other cases, the California Department of Education (CDE) has specific requirements and provides documents to guide you. Based on The ABE New Teacher Resource Guide [PDF], available on the CALPRO Web site, this course offers numerous supplemental application activities and delivers content in a variety of formats.

Registration Information :
This course is free of charge to all California adult education programs.

Contact Information :
Please contact CALPRO at or at 916-286-8803 for more information.

January 17, 2025

Learner Goal Setting in Adult Education Programs (Self-Directed Online)

Course Description :

This self-directed course supports independent professional development; there is no facilitator nor other participants. This course provides each individual with a blog as a learning journal. Sign up now and access the class for 3 months, there is no official start or end date to worry about. Did you know that one of the major factors contributing to learner persistence is goal setting with the learner? Did you know that learners most often cite as a reason for dropping out that their classes didn't meet their needs and expectations? Learn how to set realistic goals with each learner and then revisit and revise goals throughout the semester so that students feel comfortable that your class is meeting their needs (estimated course completion time: up to 15 hours)

Enrollment verification with Moodle login information will be sent to registrants within one business day of registration.

Registration Information :
This course is free of charge to all California adult education programs.

Contact Information :
Please contact or call 916-286-8803 for more information.

January 17, 2025

Adult Learning and Development (Self-Directed Online)

Course Description :

This self-paced course supports independent professional development; there is no facilitator nor other participants (estimated course completion time: up to 15 hours). This course provides each individual with a blog as a learning journal. Sign up now and access the class for 3 months. There is no official start or end date to worry about. This course examines how adults learn and the implications for adult literacy programs. It explores the unique characteristics of adult learners as well as adult motivation, needs, and self-concept and their effect on learning. The course also explores adult development and the implications for effective teaching.

Enrollment verification with Moodle login information will be sent to registrants within one business day of registration.

Registration Information :
This course is free of charge to all California adult education programs.

Contact Information :
Please contact CALPRO at or at 916-286-8803 for more information.

January 17, 2025

Effective Strategies for Writing Instruction (Self-Directed Online)

Course Description :

This self-directed course supports independent professional development; there is no facilitator nor other participants. This course provides each individual the opportunity to learn through a variety of videos, readings, and activities. Sign up now and access the class for 3 months. There is no official start or end date to worry about. This course examines the vital role writing plays in ABE, ASE, and ESL instruction, especially in helping learners become college- and career-ready. Participants begin by identifying possible challenges in teaching writing and strategies for overcoming them. Through interactive, multimedia presentations, participants identify the key components of the writing process and discover research-based instructional strategies for supporting their students' writing development. Finally, participants learn how to apply a rubric to evaluate student work and prepare a lesson plan with instruction designed to address students' areas of need (estimated course completion time is 4 hours).

Enrollment verification with Moodle login information will be sent to registrants within one business day of registration.

Registration Information:
This course is free of charge to all California adult education programs.

Contact Information:
Please contact CALPRO at or at 916-286-8803 for more information.

January 17, 2025

Teaching Adult English Learners: Principles and Practices (Self-Directed Online)

Course Description:

This self-directed course supports independent professional development; there is no facilitator nor other participants. This course provides each individual the opportunity to learn through a variety of videos, readings, and activities. Sign up now and access the class for 3 months. There is no official start or end date to worry about.

This new course is designed to support teachers new to working with adult English learners, or ELs. After completing the course, participants will be able to identify and apply appropriate instructional strategies for teaching adult ELs. They will also have strengthened their skills as an instructor and be able to implement classroom management practices to optimize learning in both in-person and virtual learning environments. The estimated course completion time is 4 hours.

Enrollment verification with Moodle login information will be sent to registrants within one business day of registration.

Registration Information:
This course is free of charge to all California adult education programs.

Contact Information :
Please contact CALPRO at or at 916-286-8803 for more information.

January 17, 2025

Orientation for New ESL Teachers (Self-Directed Online)

Workshop Description :

This self-paced course supports independent professional development; there is no facilitator nor other participants (estimated course completion time: up to 15 hours). This course provides each individual with a blog as a learning journal. Sign up now and access the class for 3 months. There is no official start or end date to worry about. To a new English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher in an adult education program, the task of teaching English can seem overwhelming. A teacher new to ESL often asks such questions as, "Who will my new students be?" "What is their English proficiency?" "What materials should I use?" and "How do I assess my students and document their progress?"

Enrollment verification with Moodle login information will be sent to registrants within one business day of registration.

Goals :
Many local agencies have procedures and practices that address these issues and will provide guidance to new teachers. The California Department of Education (CDE) has specific requirements and also provides certain documents to guide you. This self-directed, self-paced online course orients new teachers to the most immediate and important aspects of teaching adult ESL in California. Based on The ESL New Teacher Resource Guide [PDF], available on the CALPRO Web site, this course offers numerous supplemental application activities and delivers content in a variety of formats.

Registration Information :
This course is free of charge to all California adult education programs.

Contact Information :
Please contact CALPRO at or at 916-286-8803 for more information.

January 17, 2025