so funny

Best Practices in ABE Reading Instruction

This workroom supports the professional development of adult education instructors who teach reading to adult basic education (ABE) students and has application for ABE teachers of other subjects, such as math and writing.


Math Videos on Depth of Knowledge: 3 Problems

These videos feature a variety of excerpts from lessons that address DOK level 3 problems.

i'm busy

Multilevel ESL Instructors

This workroom supports the professional development of adult education instructors who teach classes of English language learners of varying proficiency levels.


Workforce Readiness

This Virtual Workroom on Workforce Readiness supports the professional development of adult educators, particularly instructors of Adult Basic Education, Adult Secondary Education, and English as a Second Language.

Two hands holdin puzzle pieces with the left puzzle piece containing the text "education" and the right puzzle piece containing the text"training"

Integrated Education and Training

This virtual workroom dedicated to Integrated Education and Training (IET) offers a dynamic online space. Inside, you’ll find curated resources, engaging videos, and self-directed training geared toward IET teachers and program leaders.