Adult Education: What Makes Teaching Effective?

Author: Anne Mishkind, CALPRO, July 2016

This brief provides an overview of research on effective teaching that can be applied in multiple settings by a broad range of teachers across diverse settings. Adult education in California takes place in environments including school districts, community colleges, community-based organizations, libraries, and correctional facilities, and serves students with skills that range from basic literacy to international professional training. Across contexts, research finds that effective teaching is enriched by:

  • thoughtful attention to student backgrounds,
  • collecting and using student data to inform the implementation of evidence based practices including (1) learner-centered instruction, (2) rich and contextualized content knowledge, (3) use of standards to inform learning objectives, and (4) attention to foundational skills and higher-order thinking, and planning for professional development that targets specific teacher competencies

AUDIENCE: ABE/ASE Teachers , Administrators , All teacher types , CTE Teachers , ESL Teachers , HSE/HSD Teachers , IET Teachers

TOPIC: Administration & Management , Adult Education Standards , Teacher and Manager Competency Assessments