Developing Basic Skills Curriculum for an IET: A Guide for the Pathways to Employment Program

Authors: Institute for the Study of Adult Literacy (ISAL), The Pennsylvania State University Central Pennsylvania Workforce Development Corporation (CPWDC), North Central Workforce Development Board (NCWDB), Southern Alleghenies Workforce Development Board (SAWDB), and Pennsylvania College of Technology Produced by The Pathways to Employment initiative funded through the U.S. Department of Labor?s 2015 Sector Partnership National Dislocated Worker Grant program, and supported by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry, February 2017.

This guide was prepared by the Pathways to Employment Initiative of the Institute for the Study of Adult Literacy at The Pennsylvania State University, and three Pennsylvania Workforce Development Boards in partnership with local IET training providers (2017, February) to engage stakeholders in curricular collaboration. IET programs in IL, KS, KY, OH, PA, VA, WA and WI are highlighted including descriptions of their course offerings, objectives and partners. This resource focuses on addressing basic skills, rather than occupational skills to help students as they move along their career pathway.

The resource is divided into six sections and provides highlighted program snapshots, lesson planning and program design considerations as well as questions and worksheets to foster discussion. Additional resources are also included with direct links to the aforementioned programs. Agencies and their partners can use the guide and ready-to-use tools as they collaborate in the planning and implementation of new or existing IET programs.

AUDIENCE: ABE/ASE Teachers , Administrators , All teacher types , CTE Teachers , ESL Teachers , HSE/HSD Teachers , IET Teachers

TOPIC: Post-Secondary Alignment and Pathways