Communicating the Relevance and Importance of Adult Education in Difficult Times

September 30, 2020

Facilitators: Raine Bumatay, President, Adult Education Council, Association of California School Administrators (ACSA), Kathleen Porter, President, California Council for Adult Education (CCAE), and John Werner, CAEAA President, and Executive Director, Sequoias Adult Education Consortium

We are living in unprecedented times, and the impact of a global pandemic and related economic downturn have created very real challenges for low-skilled adults. Adult Education is essential to supporting adult learners successfully navigate the moment and begin preparing for the future. As leaders and advocates for learners, there is a tremendous need to communicate to our state, local and industry partners the relevance and importance of Adult Education in supporting California’s most vulnerable adults. In this one-hour webinar, leaders from three professional organizations representing Adult Education in the state (CCAE, CAEAA, and the ACSA Adult Education Council) will discuss potential key messages and themes that convey the need of learners and the role of California Adult Education’s role in economic recovery.


AUDIENCE: Administrators

TOPIC: Administration & Management