GED 2014

March 2014

Presenters: Martin D. Kehe, VP of Products, GED Testing Service, and Joyce Lude, Principal of Roseville Adult School

In this session, presenter Martin Kehe provided an overview of the key features of the new GED test that launched in January 2014 and outlined major differences between the 2012 and 2014 GED tests, such as aligning the new test with college– and career–readiness standards. Mr. Kehe also identified related tools and resources for students, educators, and administrators to analyze student test results and use the data to inform decision–making. Presenter Joyce Lude, Principal of Roseville Adult School, then described what Roseville Joint Union High School District has done to change their practice to accommodate the requirements of the new test and help support improved student outcomes.


AUDIENCE: All teacher types

TOPIC: High School Equivalency Prep