Growing Programs with Limited Funding and Facilities
December 10, 2019
Facilitators: Chris Nelson, current Adult Education Director, Oakland Unified School District and former State Director Adult Education, and John Werner, Executive Director of Sequoias Adult Education Consortium and CALPRO Professional Advisory Board Member
Are you interested in growing your Adult Education programs, courses, and services with limited funding and places to offer them? This webinar will present ideas and strategies that help you support your community's need for more Adult Education with funding and facility barriers in place. We will share strategies that will help you reach more students and do more in your communities, whether metro, suburban, or rural, with what you have around you. You may have everything you need right in front of you, and you just can't see it. Learn strategies that will help you generate new funding streams. You will leave this webinar with new ways for working with what you have available and fresh ideas that support new fund procurement. Join us for workable solutions that can be implemented in a variety of metro, suburban, and rural solutions.
AUDIENCE: Administrators
TOPIC: Administration & Management