Increasing Rigor in the ESL and Basic Skills Classroom
September 30, 2016
Facilitator: Betsy Parrish, Professor/Coordinator TEFL/Adult ESL, Hamline University
Federal funding for adult education and College and Career Readiness Standards are two of the signposts pointing us towards increasing the rigor of instruction in adult education to help learners reach their education and career goals. Betsy Parrish is a national expert on increasing rigor in adult education classrooms. She has published articles on the topic and created many training materials for teachers. In this webinar, she will discuss the significance of increasing rigor, and she will provide several examples of classroom activities for embedding instruction in academic language, higher order reading and listening strategies, organizational and note-taking strategies, and critical thinking at every level from beginning to advanced. This session is appropriate for ESL, ABE and ASE instructors.
AUDIENCE: ABE/ASE Teachers , All teacher types , ESL Teachers
TOPIC: Adult Education Standards