Introduction to the English Language Proficiency Standards for Adult Education
January 24, 2017
In October 2016, the American Institutes for Research, under contract with the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education, published the English Language Proficiency Standards for Adult Education (ELP Standards for AE). This report presents and explains the ELP Standards for AE and their relevance to adult education programs. This webinar will provide an introduction to the standards, explain the development process (including guiding principles and design parameters), and provide an overview of the structure, use, and supports for the standards that are found in the report. These supports include two views of the standards with their correspondences to the College and Career Readiness Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy, and Mathematical and Science Practices, scenarios that provide examples of instruction based on the standards, a glossary of key terms, and examples of instructional scaffolds and supports for learners at varying levels of English language proficiency. The intended audience for the webinar, and for the report itself, is broad and includes all practitioners involved in the education of adult English Language Learners.
AUDIENCE: All teacher types
TOPIC: Adult Education Standards