In this lesson, ABE students develop their awareness about the value of being proactive, both in education and in the workplace. They examine seven habits of highly effective people. In an expansion activity, students write a response to a job application question, in which they illustrate how they have been proactive in overcoming an obstacle.
Workforce Readiness
This Virtual Workroom on Workforce Readiness supports the professional development of adult educators, particularly instructors of Adult Basic Education, Adult Secondary Education, and English as a Second Language.
March 11, 2024
AUDIENCE: Administrators
Virtual Workroom: Workforce Readiness

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Preparing a Speech Lesson for ABE/ASE
In this lesson, ABE or ASE students prepare a 60– to 90–second speech in response to a question commonly asked in a job interview. Students study the qualities of a good speaker and evaluate their peers' speeches according to a matrix. This lesson can serve as an introduction to future speech assignments.
Taking an Inventory Lesson for ABE/ASE
Suitable for both ABE and ASE instruction, this lesson asks students to work in teams and collaborate on taking an inventory. Afterward, students identify and describe which skills they practiced transfer to the workplace.