Facilitated Online Courses

Facilitated Online Courses

In these courses, a subject expert facilitates discussions with a group of participants over a period of four weeks. Participants log in at different times of the week to access course content and assignments, join in discussions, and complete application activities. Each course offers participants additional opportunities for interaction through two real-time Webinars, each lasting one hour.



The Facilitated Online Courses are formatted to be four weeks that contains a mixture of reading content, activities, and live webinars on topics related to adult education to support adult educators and administrators. 

Format details: 

Duration: 4-weeks, with two live webinars hosted by a facilitator

Course Access: via Moodle

Total hours: 14 - 16*

*hours depend on the course and will be accurately displayed in the course syllabus/Moodle


Enrollment is limited and on a first-registered, first– enrolled basis. Additional information on enrollment appears on the Registration page.


Participants interested in enrolling should have a device that is capable of using the following software and hardware: 

  • Internet connection
  • Speakers/headphones
  • Web browser (Edge, Safari, Chrome, Firefox)
  • Zoom to attend live webinars 


Participants that successfully complete a Facilitated Online Course will receive a Certificate of Completion (via email) and will be eligible to apply for and obtain Continuing Education Units (CEUs) from CSU Sacramento's College of Continuing Education for a fee. CALPRO will provide the appropriate forms a participant will need to obtain CEUs. CEUs are dependent on the number of hours of each course. 



  1. How many CEUs is a Facilitated Online Course worth?
    1. Depends on the number of hours of each course. Here's an example: Effective Lesson Planning is a 14-hour course therefore can be worth 1.4 CEUs. Resource: https://cce.csus.edu/course-credit-service-ceus 
  2. What happens if I sign up for a course and can't log in for a couple of days?
    1. Each course is allocated 4-weeks of time. If a participant cannot login for a couple of days, there is no penalty of any kind. It will be the responsibility of the participant to complete the course at their pace within those 4-weeks to be considered for a certificate of completion/CEUs. It is also highly recommended to attend the live webinars that pertain to the topics of each course.  
  3. How do I know if I qualify to take a CALPRO Facilitated Online Course?
    1. Participants may qualify for CALPRO course offerings if they are based in California and are a part of WIOA II and CAEP funded agencies.

Search Facilitated Online Courses by keyword

6 Results 6 Result

Managing the Multilevel ESL Classroom (Online, Waitlist Available)

Course Description :
How do you meet the needs of ESL students in a class with skill levels ranging from beginning to intermediate to advanced? This course presents strategies for planning lessons for learners of widely varying language skills. This course takes place entirely online and runs for four consecutive weeks. Weekly participation is required, though participants may, during a given week, log in whenever they wish. A 1-hour, kick-off Webinar will take place in the first week; the date will be announced via email the Friday before the course begins. Participants who successfully complete this course will receive a certificate of participation (14 hours); they are also eligible to apply to CSUS for 1.4 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) if they wish.

Goals :
The goal of this workshop is to help participants develop skills in managing the ESL multi-level class.

Registration Information :
There is no registration fee to participate; CALPRO professional development opportunities are available to all California Adult Education Program (CAEP) agencies and employees.

Contact Information :
Please contact calpro@air.org with any questions.

February 09, 2025

Accelerated Learning to Facilitate Career Pathways (Online)

Course Description :
This course takes place entirely online and runs for four consecutive weeks. Weekly participation is required, though participants may, during a given week, log in whenever they wish. A kick-off Webinar will take place during the first week of the course. This course will introduce participants to a wide variety of strategies for both program and classroom that move students towards their career goals in the most efficient way possible. Agencies are encouraged to register as a team of at least two members but may include up to four members. An assumption behind this team approach is that that program changes have to be implemented and led by administrators but cannot be successful without the understanding and support from teachers. Participants who successfully complete this course will receive a certificate of participation (14 hours); they are also eligible to apply to CSUS for 1.4 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) if they wish.

Goals :
• Define the concepts of career pathways and accelerated learning 

• Identify the role of adult education in the career pathway process and ways in which accelerated learning can help students overcome barriers to success 

• Describe a variety of accelerated learning strategies 

• Initiate planning for the implementation of one or two selected accelerated learning strategies 

• Develop problem-solving approaches to address implementation challenges 

• Select continuous improvement strategies

Registration Information :
There is no registration fee to participate; CALPRO professional development opportunities are available to all California Adult Education Program (CAEP) agencies and employees.

Contact Information :
Please contact calpro@air.org with any questions.

February 09, 2025

Evidence-based Writing Instruction in the ESL Classroom (Online)

Course Description:
This course helps participants improve their writing instruction for ESL students by applying 1) research-based instructional techniques, 2) protocols for analyzing students’ work, and 3) guided instructional plans. This course takes place entirely online and runs for four consecutive weeks. Weekly participation is required, though participants may, during a given week, log in whenever they wish. A kick-off Webinar will take place in the first week and the date and time will be announced and posted. Participants who successfully complete this course will receive a certificate of participation (14 hours); they are also eligible to apply to CSUS for 1.4 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) if they wish.

Each participant will develop an instructional plan to use in his or her classroom to teach writing effectively to ESL students. Upon completion of this course participants will be able to: 

• understand the research on teaching writing to adult ESL students; 

• analyze student work using an evidence-based method to identify specific skills requiring additional instructional attention; and 

• implement evidence-based instructional techniques to improve writing instruction.

Registration Information:
There is no registration fee to participate; CALPRO professional development opportunities are available to all California Adult Education Program (CAEP) agencies and employees.

Contact Information:
Please contact calpro@air.org with any questions.

February 09, 2025

Teaching Math to Adults (Online)

Workshop Description: 
Discover innovative strategies to transform math instruction in this one-week CALPRO Math Course designed for adult educators. Through a blend of engaging activities and a live webinar, participants will explore the Standards of Mathematical Practice (SMPs) and their practical application in fostering student success. This course delves into the science of brain-based learning to address math anxiety and promote long-term retention. Participants will learn how to create lessons that encourage productive struggle, persistence, and confidence in tackling challenging concepts. Additionally, the course provides tools to integrate technology and evidence-based instructional routines that enhance engagement and align with the SMPs. With a total commitment of 4.5 hours, this dynamic course equips educators with actionable strategies to inspire and empower their students.


The goal of this course is to equip educators with effective strategies and tools to enhance math instruction by fostering student engagement, promoting mathematical proficiency, addressing math anxiety, and integrating technology and evidence-based practices aligned with the Standards of Mathematical Practice (SMPs).

Registration Information: 

There is no registration fee to participate; CALPRO professional development opportunities are available to all California Adult Education Program (CAEP) agencies and employees.

Contact Information: 

Please contact calpro@air.org with any questions.

February 09, 2025

Motivation and Persistence for the Adult Learner (Online)

Workshop Description :
This course will examine nine strategies that help learners persist and offer adult educators the opportunity to practice and internalize them. The course focuses on motivation and persistence and is relevant for teachers and instructional leaders from all content areas within adult education. This course takes place entirely online and runs for four consecutive weeks, starting March 17, 2025. Weekly participation is required, though participants may, during a given week, log in whenever they wish. A kick-off Webinar will take place during the first week. Participants who successfully complete this course will receive a certificate of participation (14 hours); they are also eligible to apply to California State University Sacramento for 1.4 Continuing Education Units if they wish.

Goals :
There are a number of research-based strategies for helping adults persist in reaching their education goals. The goal of this course is to expose teachers to nine of these strategies, provide opportunities for practice, and encourage the incorporation of these strategies into instructional practice.

Registration Information :
There is no registration fee to participate; CALPRO professional development opportunities are available to all California Adult Education Program (CAEP) agencies and employees.

Contact Information :
Please contact calpro@air.org with any questions.

February 09, 2025

Understanding the Adult Learner (Online)

Course Description:
This course examines how adults learn and the implications for adult literacy programs. It explores the unique characteristics of adult learners as well as adult motivation, needs, and self-concept and their effect on learning. The course also explores adult development and the implications for effective teaching. This course takes place entirely online and runs for four consecutive weeks. Weekly participation is required, though participants may, during a given week, log in whenever they wish. A 1-hour, kick-off Webinar will take place during the first week of the course. Participants who successfully complete this course will receive a certificate of participation (14 hours); they are also eligible to apply to CSUS for 1.4 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) if they wish.

The goal of this course is to help participants gain a general understanding of adult learning and development so that they can design and deliver instruction that is responsive to the needs of adult learners.

Registration Information:
There is no registration fee to participate; CALPRO professional development opportunities are available to all California Adult Education Program (CAEP) agencies and employees.

Contact Information:
Please contact calpro@air.org with any questions.

February 09, 2025