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Classroom Strategies for Overcoming Internal Barriers to Learner Success

April 5, 2019

Facilitator: Kristi Reyes

Adult learners sometimes face internal barriers that can limit their potential for success in our classes, but there are things we can do to help students develop strategies for overcoming barriers. Of the possible strategies, this webinar will focus on two: encouraging a growth mindset and overcoming the effects of internalized stereotypes. These strategies can affect not only performance in school but can also have a positive influence on learners' lives beyond education. Learn how these strategies work and consider ways of using them in your own teaching.

View the recording of the Webinar. (Duration: 61 min.)

January 17, 2025
Integrating Academic and Employability Skills in the Adult Education Classroom

November 13, 2018

Facilitator: Amy Dalsimer

How can adult educators develop academic and employability skills simultaneously to help students prepare for work and new careers? Employability skills—also referred to as 21st century workplace skills, soft-skills, or non-cognitive skills—are needed by our adult education students for college and career readiness and success regardless of the industry or job position. This webinar offers an overview of the employability skills framework and highlights helpful tools, strategies and classroom resources adult educators can use to integrate employability skills development into their ABE, ESL or HSE classroom.


January 17, 2025
What Adult Educators Need to Know about Equity

April 18, 2018

Facilitator: Jayme Adelson-Goldstein

Equity is a fundamental value of adult education, ensuring that we develop instruction to support all adult learners as they move towards their goals. But what does equity mean through the lens of 21st century adult instruction and learning? What is the concept of learner agency and how does is support equity in our classrooms? What do teachers need to understand about the concept of access and how it affects our learners’ perception of equity inside and outside the classroom? This Webinar addresses these key questions and provides equity tips for teachers across adult education contexts.


January 17, 2025
What’s in a Word? Strategies for Teaching Vocabulary

March 22, 2018

Facilitator: Marjorie Schneider, Los Angeles Unified School District

Providing your ABE, ASE and CTE students with daily doses of direct, explicit vocabulary instruction will improve their ability to say what they mean, understand what others say, think logically, and make positive impressions on others. In this webinar, learn research-based instructional strategies to enrich your students’ vocabulary.


January 17, 2025
Helping Students Transition to Meet Their Goals

September 21, 2017

Facilitator: Tricia Ouellette, Mt. Diablo Adult Education

What kind of support can we provide to our students to help them meet their goals and move on to the next stage of life, whether it's further education, job training, or a better job? In this session, you will hear about the many strategies Mt. Diablo Adult Education, as part of the Contra Costa Adult Education Consortium, has employed to support learner transitions, including an interest survey, new English and Math courses, counseling, financial aid workshops, career exploration, and more!


January 17, 2025
Working with ELLs in CTE and other Classes

May 24, 2017

Facilitator: Heide Wrigley, PhD, Senior Researcher and President of Literacywork International

If your students are working to reach their career goals and some of them are challenged by their lack of English language skills, how can you best meet the needs of those students while not neglecting the rest of the class? This webinar will offer strategies for any instructor with English Language Learners in class who is looking for effective ways to engage these learners and help them master course content.


January 17, 2025
Applying the English Language Proficiency Standards

March 14, 2017

Facilitator: Dave Coleman, ESL Teacher/Advisor, Los Angeles Unified School District

This webinar will assist ESL teachers in exploring how the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) are related to the College and Career Readiness Standards, how to make use of two different approaches to the ELPS, and how to apply them in the classroom. The presenter will provide vignettes and case studies, and give you the opportunity to share your own strategies.


January 17, 2025
What Teachers Need to Know about the English Language Proficiency Standards

February 14, 2017

Facilitator: Dave Coleman, ESL Teacher/Advisor, Los Angeles Unified School District

If you are and ESL teacher or a teacher from another program area with English language learners in your class, attend this webinar to interact with the guiding principles of the new English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) and consider how they apply to your teaching. See how the ELP Standards are organized and how you can provide scaffolding for your students to help them meet these rigorous requirements.


January 17, 2025
Increasing Rigor in the ESL and Basic Skills Classroom

September 30, 2016

Facilitator: Betsy Parrish, Professor/Coordinator TEFL/Adult ESL, Hamline University

Federal funding for adult education and College and Career Readiness Standards are two of the signposts pointing us towards increasing the rigor of instruction in adult education to help learners reach their education and career goals. Betsy Parrish is a national expert on increasing rigor in adult education classrooms. She has published articles on the topic and created many training materials for teachers. In this webinar, she will discuss the significance of increasing rigor, and she will provide several examples of classroom activities for embedding instruction in academic language, higher order reading and listening strategies, organizational and note-taking strategies, and critical thinking at every level from beginning to advanced. This session is appropriate for ESL, ABE and ASE instructors.


January 17, 2025
Community College 101: Support Services for Transitioning Students

September 16, 2016

Facilitator: Anna Pilloton, Director of Outreach and Community Partnerships at the College of Marin

What do your students need to know about transferring to a community college, or from non–credit classes to credit? What options do they have in terms of cost? What are the different pathways they should consider for their future? What support services are available to them once they are enrolled, and how should they go about finding what they need? This webinar will take you on a guided tour of the community college resources and services.


January 17, 2025