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Equity in Practice: A Teacher Panel

February 16, 2022

Karyn Crowe Ruiz, GED/ABE Instructor, Visalia Adult School
Marci England, ESL Instructor, ESL Program Coordinator, Corona-Norco Adult School
Francisco Narciso, Integrated Education and Training Teacher Advisor, LA Unified Adult Education

Sudie Whalen, Deputy Director, CALPRO, Technical Assistance Consultant, American Institutes for Research

This session will revolve around a panel of teachers who are working to practice principles of Equity in their work. Panelists include Marci England, Karyn Ruiz, and Francisco Narciso; the session will be moderated by Sudie Whalen. All three of the panelists engaged in Equity-focused professional development over the past two years and are striving to implement what they have learned. They will share what has worked as well as what remains challenging. Participants will leave the webinar with practical examples of ways to further their equity journey.


September 15, 2024
Let’s Talk! Bridging Gaps and Creating Equitable Spaces

November 18, 2021

Veronica Parker, Coordinator, California Adult Education Program: Technical Assistance Project
Sudie Whalen, Deputy Director, CALPRO, Technical Assistance Consultant, American Institutes for Research

This session will engage participants in a robust conversation about how we think and talk about race while creating equitable spaces. Participants will be encouraged to consider how their individual voice and actions can be instrumental in creating an equitable educational environment throughout school campuses. Participants will leave the webinar with practical tools and actions items they can use to further their equity journey.


September 15, 2024
Coaching Conversations: What’s it all about?

December 1, 2021

Jacques LaCour and Sue Pon

Coaching is a link connecting theory and practice, connecting learning, and doing. Join us in a conversation about the power of coaching and what coaching looks like in Adult Education. In recent years, coaching has increasingly become an integral part of professional learning in California Adult Education. If you are coaching or considering adding coaching to your program, school, or system, be prepared to do it in the most effective way by learning evidence-based foundations of excellent coaching practices.


September 15, 2024
Civics in Adult Education

May 17, 2021

Jill Ibbotson, Kristi Reyes, Jodie Williams

Civics education equips adult learners to deal with issues of critical importance in their lives and communities, with advocacy and agency as central tenets. Agency refers to a learner’s ability to take control of their learning in pursuit of their personal aspirations and goals. This webinar will prepare instructors to embed Civics education into adult high school equivalency completion, adult basic education programs, English literacy, and civics education. Topics will include best practices, lesson plan ideas, and resources for Civics instruction.


September 15, 2024
It’s a Wrap! Breaking Down Barriers with Wrap Around Services

April 28, 2021

Steve Curiel, Principal, Huntington Beach Adult School
Courtney Winford, Assistant Principal, Huntington Beach Adult School
Ashley Nguyen, Counselor, Huntington Beach Adult School
Valerie Beachley, College & Career Specialist, Huntington Beach Adult School
Arlene Flores, Job Developer, Huntington Beach Adult School

Please join the Huntington Beach Adult School Student Support Services Team as they walk you through breaking down the barriers of two student personas and showcase how they collaborate with community agencies to provide support and wellness to the whole student. The team will describe their service approach during COVID and their plans moving forward.


September 15, 2024
Health Literacy in Adult Education

February 2, 2021

Katie Neginskiy, Technical Assistance Consultant, American Institutes for Research

Health literacy is always an important component of education but has become even more crucial. Research shows that students with limited education have more health problems, greater difficulty understanding health information, and higher rates of hospitalization. Embedding health literacy into adult education classrooms can provide students with the skills they need to navigate health systems. Join this professional development opportunity to examine tools and techniques for practitioners hoping to incorporate health literacy into their instruction.


September 15, 2024
Retraining Unemployed and Low-skilled Adults

November 11, 2020

KayLynn Hamilton, Workforce Development Specialist at The Pennsylvania State University

From career awareness to digital literacy, adult education programs are increasing their efforts to provide opportunities for adults to gain necessary skills for facing an uncertain job market. Join this professional development opportunity to examine tools and techniques for practitioners to include in their practice to support their students, especially when working with adults who may need re-tooling after job displacement or adults entering the job market for the first time. Topics will include career awareness, career goal setting, workforce preparation, and sector focused and integrated instruction.


September 15, 2024
Effective Teaching Approaches Webinar

October 20, 2020

Jayme Adelson-Goldstein, Consultant, Lighthearted Learning

Effective teaching approaches are those that support learners’ agency and promote their success in and out of the classroom. Three such approaches are project-based and problem-based learning and contextualized instruction. Each integrates the development of basic academic skills alongside essential skills while building relevant, meaningful content knowledge. Join us to learn more about these three approaches in action and reflect on implications for your practice.


September 15, 2024
Equity in Adult Education Webinar

October 1, 2020

Sachiko Oates, Noncredit Coordinator, School of Extended Learning, Santa Barbara City College

Equity and cultural competence are important aspects of creating a fair and equitable educational environment for learners. Adult education often serves marginalized populations that have not had the opportunity to complete their education, therefore it is crucial for programs to provide education and opportunity through an equitable lens. Join us for an introduction to the concept of Equity and how it applies to the context of adult education. The intended audience is administrators, instructors, and support staff.


September 15, 2024
WIOA Title I & II Collaboration: Best Practice in Action

May 7, 2019

Karen Malkiewicz, Principal, Elk Grove Adult School
Jennifer Barrett, Program Administrator, Elk Grove Adult School
David Raygoza, Principal, Madera Adult School
Michelle Santesteban, SCAEC, Transitions Specialist, State Center Adult Education Consortium
Sherri Watkins, Executive Director, State Center Adult Education Consortium

This session will present two models of collaboration in practice between WIOA Title I and II providers. The session will focus on practical examples and discussion of the benefits and approach to collaboration to benefit students and clients including referral processes, unduplicated services arrangements, alignment and pathways. The session presenters will also describe the challenges of initiating and expanding collaboration, and examples of their success.


September 15, 2024